Angelina 28th May 2015

Tribute to Emeritus Professor Ebenezer Laing by Angelina Oppong and Anna Wireku. Thinking of you on this sad day of your burial. We have known you for over fifty years: first as our Lecturer and later our Counsellor and a friend. As students you always pushed us to accomplish our goals and to attain our very fullest potential. You did this as a strict Lecturer in the lecture room and at practical sessions, with emphasis on accuracy, paying particular attention to interesting and relevant details. As a loving friend we will never forget the drinks, grilled chicken and kebab treats you gave us, plus the jokes at the Legon Hall Senior Common Room to cheer us up and encourage us especially after difficult exercises. We remember your caring spirit which did not end with us but extended to our children and other members of our families. Forever we will remember you, Uncle Yoosi. May the Lord keep you safely in His bosom till we meet again.